Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico is a vibrant beach town where Feast-goers can experience the beauty of the Caribbean. With its sunny tropical weather and temperatures ranging from 80 to 93 degrees Fahrenheit, Aguadilla offers a relaxing setting for the Feast of Tabernacles.
Aguadilla has a rich history that is reflected by the various lighthouse buildings that still stand, showcasing the town's maritime heritage. Adjacent to the Aguadilla RAMEY Airport, once used during WWII and now a commercial airport, the town combines historical charm with modern convenience.
Aguadilla as a Feast site offers peaceful ocean views and Caribbean sunsets. The area is also complemented by plenty of restaurants and fast-food establishments.
This Feast site is a good location for families and individuals alike. The warm and friendly atmosphere creates a special environment for brethren gathering at the Feast of Tabernacles, to learn more about Christ’s coming rule on earth! 
Please note that there is limited room for transfers. 
For additional information, please contact the Festival Coordinator, Mr. Raúl Colón.
Festival Coordinator
Mr. Raúl Colón
Phone: (787) 420-4543


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